23 Mar KAMMY’S KAUSE | NEW DATE : SEPT 25, 2021
17th Annual Kammy’s Kause has been rescheduled. NEW DATE: SEPT 25, 2021
4p- National Conference : Cancellation
The 4p- Support Group has made the difficult decision to cancel their 2021 National Conference, scheduled for July 14-18 in Indianapolis, Indiana in conjunction with Kammy’s Kause.
“Without knowing when this global health emergency may come to an end, the risk is simply too high to gather together. Know that this decision was not made lightly, and our top priority has always been to first protect and support our 4p-/Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome community.”
With that being shared, Kammy’s Kause has decided to reschedule the 17th Annual Kammy’s Kause. Our one of a kind, family friendly outdoor fundraiser will take place at Landmark Park in Fortville, Indiana on SEPT 25, 2021 !!! Our 12th Annual Kammy’s Ride has also been rescheduled for SEPT 25th.
COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives and organizations, especially our beloved not-for-profits. It is our goal to have the most successful, safe event on September 25th and raise more funds than any other Kammy’s Kause fundraising event. Our hope is to raise enough funds in 2021 that the impact from 2020 is minimal, if not non-existent.
Bear with us as we work to update all platforms, but please do not let that delay your outreach and support. Effective immediately, we are actively seeking sponsors, donations and vendors for our 2021 date.
At this time, if you are interested in sponsorship, donating and/or vendor opportunities for the 17th Annual Kammy’s Kause, please email :
This is a Kall to aKtion. We NEED your LOVE, SUPPORT & ENGAGEMENT more than ever.
“There is something unexplainable that happens within us when we reach out and help someone whose needs are greater than our own; this is the heartbeat of Kammy’s Kause.”